Resume the operation of the Phu Bai International Airport
Saturday, 17 August 2013 07:22
After temporarily closed period for repair and upgrade, the Phu Bai International Airport (VVPB) has been resumed operation.
The information related to the resume operation of the Phu Bai International Airport has been published in accordance with AIRAC cycle as required by International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and will be effective at 00h01 (UTC) on September 19th 2013.
Along with the upgrade and repair, such parameters of VVPB as aerodrome reference point coordinates, aerodrome elevation, threshold coordinates and elevation of runways 09 and 27 have been changed. The taxiways and aprons have also been adjusted with the upgrade of taxiways E1, W1, SP and temporary operating stop of taxiways W2, W3, W4 and E2. In addition, the edge light systems used for aircraft taxiing to runways via taxiways for departure have been installed as well.
Aerodrome chart of Phu Bai International Airport
During the aircraft operation process, the runway 27 shall be mainly used for taking off and landing since it is equipped with navigation aids. The aircraft to/from the apron shall follow to self taxi-in and be pushed-back to the taxiway SP for departure.
Moreover, the revised parameters shall affect operational minima and flight procedure charts such as: aerodrome chart, aircraft parking/docking chart, aerodrome ground movement chart, aerodrome obstacle chart, instrument approach charts and visual approach chart.